
http://www.emocutez.comgopenghagen menanti

fuhh...xsangka cuti dah nak abis!

esok dah kena blek kmpk terchenta.
barang xkemas apa lagi.hehe. malas.

rindu nak gaduh ngn ma roommate. MEK JAH!! haha.
mak dah buat kek coklat. bekal esok. hee. love it.

sem baru. azam baru. lecturer pun baru.
kelas still yg lama. :) tp xpe. aku xkisah pun. best je kelas tu.

gotta go. see ya later. bubye :D



http://www.emocutez.comPenemuan terbaru,

0n9 fb tadi, n found some page yang agak interesting

so aku kutip serba cket post kat situ  yg aku rasa nak kutip,,

If you spend too much time focusing on those you have lost, then you'll end up pushing away everyone else that's left! . x ♥

 You don't walk into love, you fall in. That's why it's so hard to get out ...

Isn't it strange how love can be the happiest thing ever, but also cause the most pain?

Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering.”

i never though it would end like this but it did, I hope u had a good time with me and all i have left to say is "i hate how much i loved you" have a good life

The stupidest mistake in life is thinking the one who hurt you the most, won't hurt you again

Just as I think I have it all sorted out and life is going great. There you are again, and now the memories are flooding back and all I can do is try not to cry

I do not want a man who is going to hold me when I am in tears.. I want a man who will not make me cry to start with!!!

Tears are words my heart can't say, and there is a lot my heart is saying.

i want to talk to you so bad because i miss you but i'm scared to tell you cuz i don't want you to say ok and not even care like you did the last time. That hurt so bad i felt like a fool for thinking you cared...

There will always be that one damn song that I associated with you, that when I hear it, those memories come back...

I don't want to see you any more, I'm just not that strong. I love it when your here but I'm better when your gone

I'm alone, on my own, and that's all I know I'll be strong, I'll be wrong, oh but life goes on I'm just a girl, trying to find a place in This world. =]

Persoalannya :
kenapa aku kutip benda ni? tak tau. sungguh aku tak tau. bosan? maybe kot. eh, tipu diri sendiri?
tipu diri sendiri lebih baik dari tipu orang kan.. btol ke? haha. malas nak pikir. :P



http://www.emocutez.comCUTI TAK BERKUALITI???

Setelah lebih kurang 6 hari cuti,, tetiba teringat  Mr.Red  pesan before keluar exam hall aritu,, "jadikan cuti kamu kali ni cuti yang tak berkualiti" meaning here,,

1) kena study jugak masa cuti ni (sikit2 ok jgk kan?)hee ;p
2) kurangkan buang masa dgn ushahidu televisiun. *lagha*
3) kena bawak balik buku sem 2.
4) jenguk2 topic for sem 2. *insyaAllah*
5) macam tak cuti je tu? hehe

Hari-hari yang sebelum ni memang kaw2 berkualiti punya cuti. xsentuh buku langsung. buku yang aku sentuh, rooftop rant,versus,5thn5bln sampai nak lunyai novel tue. klu la baca bio cmtu kan bgus. adoiyai..
So, lepas ni??? hehe...berkualiti ka tak?



http://www.emocutez.comhappy besday lala

Makcik sorang ni mintak cadbury! tapi nak yg 20 g je? stahu aku cadbury bar yang plg kcik tu pun 40 g. Mintak perhatian disini ya cik lala. puas kepala otak aku pikiaq. tapi xpa. untuk hang aku buat ja suma.
dont worry. aku beli yg 40 g tu then aku kerat 2. and letak dalam kotak kasut. biaq nampak grand cket kan. as what i told u. okieh kan? jgn ckp aku kejam. hang yg mtk kn.. aku berusaha menunaikannya.. pahala banyak klu kita tunaikan permintaan org(ada supporting hadis x?) hee...

Kepada sahabatku,

                               NABILA BT ABD KADIR

*semoga panjang umo n murah rezeki (compulsory pny ayat time besday sesapa pun).
*semoga cepat dapat jodoh.(next year dah 20? mak aii...gerun aku)
*semoga menjadi anak yang solehah.
*semoga menjadi sahabat yang baik.(aku tau aku selalu wat jahat kt hg kan)
*semoga berjaya didunia n akhirat. (: